IT Security in Large IT Infrastructures - SS2015 (183.633)

We held our lecture IT Security in Large IT Infrastructures (183.633) for different master studies of information science in SS2015. Get additional information on the lecture in (external link)TISS.

IT Security in Large IT Infrastructures is a lecture with exercises which concentrates on special aspects of IT security that are relevant for large IT infrastructures (e.g., large IT infrastructures of health telematic networks). As a prerequisite to participate in the lecture you have to know the content of our lecture Introduction to Security. Additionally, it is recommended to have visited the lectures Security for Systems Engineering and Advanced Security for Systems Engineering or to know the contents of these lectures.


The registration was in TISS until March 13, 2015.

Note: For students of information sciences the admission to our lecture is restricted based on the curricula of these studies. You have to have successfully finished the Studieneingangsphase. We are not allowed to issue certificates otherwise. For more information see the (external link)curricula of information sciences.


Only the dates which are presented subsequently are authoritative. Please note that these can change exceptionally.

The lectures are on Fridays, 01.15pm-02.45pm, in the Hörsaal 14A Günther Feuerstein, if not stated otherwise.

The planned dates for the lectures/oral exams are:


If you have questions regarding the exercises please contact us.

Note: Our exercises traditionally start at 11.55pm if not stated otherwise.

Oral Exam

The oral exam is a closed book exam. Therefore, the use of documents at the exam is not allowed. The content of the exam will be the lectures and exercises.

A binding registration in tuwel for the exam is mandatory.

If you want to take an oral exam, please write us an e-mail and we will coordinate this individually.


S1  <= 200
U2  < 176
B3  < 151
G4  < 126
N5  < 102

Please note that you can finish the lecture positively only if you are positive in the lecture as well as exercise parts, i.e., you have more than 50 points for the lecture and more than 50 points for the exercises.

Note: Sometimes, your grade is not displayed correctly in tuwel. Therefore, please always compare your grading with our grading table above.


If you have questions which are also relevant for other students please use the (external link)TUWEL forum.  It is also recommended to subscribe to it. For specific questions please write us an e-mail or visit us during our office hours.

Note on forums: We only answer questions in the TUWEL forum which we provide. Other forums are not actively monitored by us.

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