You must solve various security exercises. For every task you solve, you are awarded the points shown in the task descriptions. Mandatory challenges are marked with '*' and must be solved. The difference to 50 points can be obtained by solving free challenges. If your team solved more challenges than needed, the mandatory challenges plus a random set of solved free challenges will be considered for the exercise interview and grading.
Connect via SSH with your credentials from lab0 to (Port 20000), there you will find the credentials needed for the link above. Please note, there are updates of TEAMDATA and README files (lab0 account), e.g., the username needed for this lab is to be found in the TEAMDATA file and is different from previous labs.
When a task has been solved by a team, this does not mean that this task is no longer available to you. All tasks are independently solvable by all teams.
Tuwel Submission
You must document your findings and submit them in tuwel. Note: Replace TEAM-NUMBER in the following instructions with your own team number which you can find in your home directory.
Create a (zip|gzip|bzip2) compressed tar archive, lab2_TEAM-NUMBER.(zip|tgz|tbz2) with the following content.
Submission document in PDF format (lab2_TEAM-NUMBER.pdf), a template can be downloaded from tuwel
Additional documents which may be needed, like, e.g, created scripts
Please note:
Document partial solutions and problem analyses for challenges you did not complete.
For solved challenges, please document the whole solution process, starting from the problem description to the solution.
You can use our provided template or an equivalently structured document for your submission document.
If you don't use our template, please make sure that your document looks like the sample pdf file in the template archive.
Additional Notes
Some of our systems will be rebooted at 04:00 AM automatically every day and are usually not reachable over the internet for 30 minutes. You are responsible to finish your work before this time and save your data at your local computer. We do not backup any data from your exercise account. Anything you store in your exercise account may be deleted.
Please stick to the given deadline. Otherwise, you may lose points.
We will grade the last version of your submission to tuwel.
For team exercises, division of labor within the team is allowed, of course. However, every team member must know about the specifics of every exercise and needs be able to answer questions about it.
If stated, please use the compression algorithms or programs noted in the exercise descriptions. Should your submission differ from the given details, you will not be awarded any points.
If you have any questions ask your colleagues first. You can also use the tuwel forum. Please write questions which only affect yourself to
Note concerning forums: We monitor the tuwel forum and answer questions there. We do not actively look at any other forums than the tuwel forum.
Please do not expect any help in time if you ask the day before the deadline :-)